We’ve loved making this album and we hope you love listening to it.
You can stream and / or buy it from these online music booths:
- Bandcamp
- Spotify
- iTunes
- Amazon Music
- Youtube Music
- and many more!
It’s Aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!

Official band info and merch and stuff
We’ve loved making this album and we hope you love listening to it.
You can stream and / or buy it from these online music booths:
It’s Aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!
The AE Hobbits and their stalwart companion the Sound Wizard are nearing the end of a long and heroic journey from Inception through to the Land of Album Release.
Stride forth down many a twisty path they have…strided. From the verdant Rehearsal Pastures and on to the proving grounds of Studio Meadows; down through the lush Valley of Overdubs and finally picking their way carefully through the Magical Forest of Mixing and Fuckery, they are about to slay a dragon, and upload their recordings to the interwebs.
The merry band has already let slip a bit of a pop banger down the Youtubes, but there is still a sackful of lyrical wonder to unleash, and that day is approaching ever faster.
CDs, t-shirts and badges.
And maybe some stickers. And also a hoodie or two even, if there are enough gold dubloons left over.
Stay tuned to our news outlets, for they are throbbing with excitement.
We’re concentrating on finishing up our album for the most part, but we’re happy to announce we’ll be squeezing in performances at some lovely summery festivals this year – Live at the Park – Faringdon, Follyfest and Longfest to name a few!
We’d love to see you at some, or all of them!
Are you mad for Indie? Then you probably already know about the biggest Indie event of the year, every year –
We’ve been making a pilgrimage there for many years and have grooved along to bands ranging from the Sultans of Ping, Neds Atomic Dustbin, The Happy Mondays, Clone Roses, Jesus Jones, Asian Dub Foundation…and many many more. Basically the Who’s Who of 90’s Indie and electronic music. Our musical heroes, in a nutshell.
So it brings us enormous pleasure to announce that we will be actually playing there this year, on Friday 17th 2023. The reality hasn’t set in yet…it’s bonkers! Amazingly, excellently bonkers.
Look – here’s proof, we’re on the poster!
So book your tickets now and set your sights on an absolute banger of a weekend at Butlins!
We’ve had an absolutely lush time in the expert care of Mooncalf Studio’s Nick Beere, and our first 4 babies are ready to be nudged out of the nest.
We decided to put Bandcamp in prime position as it seems like one of the more artist-friendly sites to hawk one’s wares – you can listen to (and buy) our full EP here:
Abstraction Engine – AE01 on Bandcamp
Here’s the line-up:
We appreciate you want to listen your way, so you can also find us on Amazon, Deezer, Apple Music, Youtube, Spotify and more!
…But not necessarily in the fighty sense.
We’ve been introduced as Abstract Engine, Traction Engine, and “Abst…Abst…Abst…here’s the band.”
And it doesn’t end there. Choosing this name may turn out to be not such a clever idea after all.
Here is what we suspect will end up being rather a full gallery of examples…
Abtraction Engine
25 May 2021 – Lechlade Festival – virtual
16 February 2019 – The Prince of Wales
Sat 15 Dec 2018 – 12 Bands of Christmas – The Vic
We feel kinda famous thanks to a prolific muso blogger who has seen more hot bands than we’ve had live dinners.
Head over to his internet webpage blog extravaganza and subscribe or whatever it is you younguns do in these situations to stay informed, because you will learn something new. Regularly.
Using the site search function, you’ll find the posts which mention us specifically. As a bunch of wannabe narcisists, we do this often.
Hope we bump into you again Mr Rose, and with any luck we’ll warrant some new and interesting adjectives amongst your musical memoirs.
We’re doing it again! The bastion of live music, the Vic in Swindon, is holding their annual 12 Bands of Christmas on Saturday 14th December.
They also have acoustic shenanigans going on the night before if jangly guitars and tambourines are your thing.
We don’t know what time we’re playing yet but we’ll probably stick it on Facebook or something.
Event Name: 12 Bands of Christmas
Event Date: 14 December 2019 7:30 Pm – 11:30 pm
Link: https://thevicswindon.com/events/12-bands-of-christmas/
It took us a few hours to get the lighting just right, but we managed to successfully hide Tom and his drums rather well at our recording session the other day.
We decided to take a trip back to the 80’s with this one. Grab your Duran Duran t-shirt for “Talk in your sleep”…
Here’s a beefy song we wrote called Crossfire…
And lastly a sweet little number called Forever…
There’s more where they came from, stayed tuned for updates!
So yeah, a new logo, a new SSL certificate, and a brave new world. Let’s rock!